Common Uprising And Revolts In The Indian History – Important for IAS Exam

It is excellent to know that you are preparing for the UPSC exam to grab one of the most prestigious positions and work for the nation’s development. However, achieving it is not so easy. It does require a lot of hard work and sacrifice. One of the most common subjects that students prefer to choose in the UPSC exam is history. 

A problematic area in history where most IAS candidates get stuck is in the common historical revolts and uprisings. For better preparation, you can join the IAS coaching in Delhi. If you cannot travel to the class, you can register your name in the UPSC online coaching. Given below is a brief illustration of the uprising and revolts that are discussed in details in the coaching classes: 


  • The revolt of 1857 


Right from the middle of the 18th century, the nawabs and kings noticed a change in their exercising of power. The British began intruding into their work and tried to snatch the power from them. Some of the kings could succeed in negotiating with the British Raj, while most of them failed. Gradually, the Indians understood how much the Company wanted to establish themselves as the rulers of India and take away all powers from its natives. 

Soon in 1856, Lord Canning declared Bahadur Shah Zafar as the last Mughal ruler, after which they were sure to rule. At the same time, the peasants also practised lawlessness as they levied heavy taxes that the commoners were unable to pay. Similarly, the Indian sepoys too faced exploitation by the Company. All these reasons aggravated the people of India and ultimately led to a massive mutiny. Although the British had regained power, the Queen set some ground rules that all (British and Indians) had to abide by. 


  • Civil rebellions and tribal uprisings 


After the British tried to settle down in Bengal and Bihar, they gradually captured and moved from one area to another. However, the civil rebellions’ leading cause was the drastic changes introduced by the British in the administration, economy, and land revenue system. The Indians could not tolerate and adjust to the deadly rules as brought about by the Company. As a result, it affected the agrarian society, and the related constituents suffered greatly. In addition, millions of artisans were severely affected due to the damage of their handicrafts and the imposition of free trade in India. 

Along with the civilians, the tribals were also affected by the colonization of the British. The Company wanted to induce Christianity and Christian learning amongst the tribal people. However, the British Government usurped their forest lands and enforced restrictions unnecessarily on forest areas. As a result, the tribals were left with no other choice but to rise and fight for their cause. 


  • Peasant movements and tribal uprising after 1857 


By now, colonialism was deeply rooted in the Indian lands. Although people wanted to get rid of it, they were helpless as the native Indians were still puppets in the hands of the Britishers. Not being able to tolerate utter oppression, the peasants rose and began fighting with the British for freedom. One of the most dominant peasant uprisings is the indigo revolt of 1859. The reason behind the massive success of the Idihgo revolt was immense cooperation and planned riots. Also, the revolution got constant support from the missionaries. 

Surprisingly, the British Government reacted in a restrained manner. Besides, legal resistance to the zamindari system was also propagated, which did not put up any anti-British demand. 


Therefore, if you have a history as your subject in the UPSC exam, know that the three revolts and uprisings mentioned above are significant. Accordingly, prepare short notes on all of them. It is always good to go thoroughly through UPSC exam syllabus before starting to prepare notes of your own. This will help you to be focused and to the point. Will save your time and deviations.