Family Recovery Programs

Addiction is so harmful because its consequences reach well beyond the person who is abusing substances. It also causes severe psychological distress to family members who must live with an addict. Family recovery programs aim to provide family members of those suffering from addiction with a voice. It enables people to comprehend addiction and what they may do to assist a loved one on their road to recovery. Families should strongly consider enrolling in a dedicated family therapy program to provide their loved one the best opportunity of overcoming their addiction.

What is a Family Recovery Program?

When a person develops an addiction, it can have a devastating emotional impact on their family. Close family members are invited to participate actively in a patient’s addiction treatment program through a family recovery program. This is beneficial not just to the patient, but also to family members who may be dealing with their own traumas as a result of a loved one’s addiction.The SAMHSA strongly suggests that family therapy be included in substance abuse counseling since research demonstrates that it can be extremely beneficial to all parties involved.

A Family Recovery Program’s Main Objectives

Addiction is difficult to overcome on one’s own; for example, the Mayo Clinic found that only around 5% of persons who desire to quit smoking do so effectively using the ‘cold turkey’ method. When trying to quit hard drugs cold turkey, the addict’s life may be jeopardized.A family rehabilitation program is one example of how people can face their addiction with the help of others. When you engage with a credible rehabilitation clinic and a network of supporting loved ones, your chances of recovering an addiction improve dramatically.

Family Recovery Programs Are Considered a Big Deal at Skyward Treatment Center.

At Skyward, we believe that if a patient’s family and loved ones participate in their own rehabilitation process, they have a better chance of success and a better quality of life. The Family Recovery Program at Skyward is designed to help a patient’s family have a better understanding of their loved one’s addiction and how to support their recovery, as well as support the family in their own recovery. This method helps family members go from denial/delusion to awareness/clarity, from compulsive reacting to conscious choice, from undifferentiation to differentiation, and from blame to self-responsibility. Skyward’s FRP is designed to not only aid in the understanding and support of patients struggling from addiction or substance use disorders, but also to start the family on a path to healing.

To Learn More About Family Recovery Programs, Contact A Knowledgeable Addiction Recovery Center Today.

Addiction recovery is a team effort. Involving family members can improve the chances of long-term sobriety dramatically.All of the patients at Skyward Treatment Center are encouraged to participate in a family therapy program. The purpose is to assist in the healing of damaged relationships, gaining the support of loved ones, and establishing a sober home. To learn more about the Skyward Treatment Center’s family recovery services, engage our online team of experts.